Monday, 9 September 2013

Ice Cream Sale . . .

. . . started today.  All remaining ice creams are now reduced in price.  Freezer will be restocked next March/April 2014

Monday, 2 September 2013

We Went To Belgium . . .

As usual, in late August, we set off for a trip to Belgium to choose packaging products for the coming seasons . . .

Leaving Dover

. . . we took a coffee break along the way . . .

Stopping at Froyennes

. . . with these alarm clocks we didn't need to worry about waking up in time . . .


. . . a hearty breakfast to set us up for the day ahead . . .

Breakfast Table

. . . choosing the right products is difficult . . .

Christmas 2013?

. . . but can always be rewarded with a Belgian beer . . .

. . . and some mussels